Rescue TMNT is a custom level built using the Sandbox 2 level editor from Crysis. In this outdoor level, the player must decide between taking two different paths in order to rescue the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes (TMNT) that have been captured and reverted back into normal turtles. The one path is open and accessible to vehicles, and the other path is filled with dense trees that might allow one to sneak up behind the enemy. Being able to use a vehicle is a big advantage in the game, but the open path to reach the turtles is right next to enemy buildings. If the player can get past enemy lines, he must then through the "ooze" into the pond to restore the TMNT back into heroes in a half-shell.
It was the first FPS level editor that I used. I decided to use it because of suggestions from other users and because I wanted to try out some of the unique features. However, I found using this level editor exceedingly difficult. Initially, I thought it was just my inexperience, but upon testing out other editors, that was not the case. The editor crashed frequently, was excessively buggy, and not well documented. On top of that, a number of features are only partially implemented because the developers decided to stop developing those features of the editor and work on other things.
Through perseverance, I was able to produce the results I wanted and was able to gain valuable experience. I was very impressed by some of the features of the level editor, of the ones that worked at least. My favorite to use was the terrain and vegetation brushes. These brushes have tons of different settings available so I was able to make custom brushes that would paint only in the locations I wanted, with only the elements I wanted, and with the amount of variety I wanted. I envision being able to create a library of custom brushes that would allow one to create terrain very very quickly and smoothly. I have yet to find a level editor that allows me to create terrain as quickly, and of those that come close, they don't have nearly as much functionality.