Akira Street Brawl is a level mod created in Unreal Editor 3. Set in the fictional Neo-Tokyo of the manga series/movie Akira, the goal is to race past religious fanatics and soldiers to reach the bio-facility that holds Akira's body parts, and stop Akira from being revived.
The primary goal of the project was to create an environment that would match the theme of the series. Characteristics of that theme involve a lot of grunge, shadows, skyscrapers, and ruins. The size of the level is meant to be reasonable distance for traveling either on-bike or on-foot. The critical path of the level is marked by large amounts of lighting and straight stretches that allow the bike to get up to full speed, urging the player towards the finish. If the player wishes to explore or loses the bike, there are dimly lit paths that can lead to power-ups or a replacement bike.
Aside from the technical difficulties associated with the editor, the largest challenge was building the city. The city pieces used had very different arrangements which made them hard to piece together to made a smooth city street. In addition, there were only a few different pieces to choose from, so I had to place them carefully to avoid noticeable repetition. A large amount of decor and scrap was used to make the buildings or locations more unique and identifiable. The end building and entrance is very much unique from the rest of the city to catch the attention of the player and signify the end.
I chose to limit the available weapons to three.The first is the default standard rounds gun, the second is the bio-rifle which fires exploding goo, and the third is the shock rifle.I picked these because they seem to fit the theme of the level well in addition to having the ideal type of fire.The bio-rifle rounds travel slowly in an arc making it hard to aim, however, in the tight streets there is less room for the enemy to jump around making the weapon more effective.The shock rifle fires long distances and is ideal for the long stretches of open road.The shock rifle also can fire an orb which is helpful in taking down enemies on bikes.